A Bold Step Forward in Providing a Fresh Start

Communities Moving Forward provides opportunity and transitional housing as well as supportive services spanning from the needs of community members in general seeking quality housing and a fresh start to chronically homeless single adults. Residents experience supportive communal living in an alcohol and drug-free environment. We provide clients with secure housing, employment counseling, educational guidance, disability income enrollment assistance, access to onsite and community support groups, and services focused on skill development and recovery.

A Quality Life begins with Solid Housing

HOUSING– Basic needs of shelter, food, and safety are important for a full recovery to take place. We provide a stable, safe, and supportive residence during and after treatment.

PURPOSE – Communities Moving Forward conducts meaningful daily activities, such as job training, school enrollment, volunteerism, family caretaking, as well as independence, and resources to participate in society.

“I believe that Communities Moving Forward makes personnel relationships with each member of their center’s family, even celebrating holidays and birthdays.  When visiting their center, the place is very clean and orderly, with each member sharing responsibilities and household chores. ”

Janice L.

Change a life today

Creating Community From the Ground Up and Out Into the World.